The Attitudes Towards the Use of Restraint andRestrictive Intervention Amongst Healthcare Staff onAcute Medical and Frailty Wards—A BriefLiterature Review

Report of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rightsby older persons, Claudia Mahler*

Report of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of allhuman rights by older persons, Rosa Kornfeld-Matte

Effects and implementation of aminimized physical restraintprogram for older adults innursing homes: A pilot study

Physical and Pharmacological Restraints in Hospital Care

Human Rights and Empowerment in Aged Care: Restraint,Consent and Dying with Dignity

Contenção mecânica em instituição de LongaPermanência para Idosos: estudo transversal

Physical restraint in elderly in home care:a cross-sectional study

A prática da contenção em idosos: revisão integrativa

DECISION-MAKING TOOL:Supporting a RestraintFree Environment