Application of Joanna Briggs Institute physicalrestraint standards to critical emergencydepartment patients following CONSORTguidelines

Surveying the Geneva impasse: Coercive care and human rights

“Let’s talkabout restraint”Rights, risks and responsibility

Interventions to reduce physical restraints in general hospital settings: A scoping review of components and characteristics

‘What do you know and understand aboutrestraints?’ Results from a survey undertaken as part of The Safe Restraint Project

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Restraint Use in Aged Care

A New Perspective on Human Rights in the Use of Physical Restraint on Psychiatric Patients-Based on Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of the Body

The Use of Physical Restraints on Geriatric Patients: Cultureand Attitudes among Healthcare Professionals at IntermediateCare Hospitals in Majorca. A Qualitative Study Protocol

Human rightsframework forrestraint:principles for the lawful use ofphysical, chemical, mechanicaland coercive restrictiveinterventions

Physical Restraint Use in Nursing Homes—Regional Variancesand Ethical Considerations: A Scoping Review ofEmpirical Studies